Content Creator : Tachaya Sangkakool, Jaray Suwannachart, Surawat Moogem and Tussawan Thong-On
Indicator : 11.2.6
Date : 10 April 2022
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The university has related operations. Both tangible and intangible cultural heritage, such as architecture, ancient sites, traditions, culture, folk art, etc. The university has an arts and culture department that works on such matters. There is a related project called “Art and Cultural Resources Development Project” which will preserve both architectural heritage sites and preserve Nora traditions.
The cultural heritage of the southern people is regarded as the preservation of intangible cultural wisdom (Intangible heritage). The university has hired staff who are experts in Nora at the university to train university students and outsiders. Universities in various communities as follows

Picture 1 shows the transmission of Nora dance moves (Intangible Heritage) from Teacher Nora to the new generation students.
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As for Tangible cultural heritage, the department is mainly located at the Faculty of Architecture, which is integrated into teaching and learning in the following subjects:
1. Thai architecture course
2. Architecture for Conservation Course
3. Community and conservation course
In the said course, there will be architectural conservation activities with the community, such as surveying, surveying, or preparing maps and models to present to the community for spatial use and during the COVID situation. Students have been divided into small groups and assigned work to do at home and have their work checked via Zoom to prevent the spread of infection during study and the community. When the work was completed, it was installed in the community. Until the Covid situation is resolved. Faculty and students then officially presented their work to the community to create awareness.

Picture 1 shows conservation activities during COVID. It will be done through the Zoom system, such as online seminars and campaigning through art in the second picture, adding the word Fighting Covid to encourage staff and students. The work is the work of faculty and students of the Faculty of Architecture.
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Picture 3 shows a model in the architecture for conservation subject. Students made and gave them to the community to promote the conservation of the old city of Songkhla. Utilizing benefits for tourism at the same time. Picture 4 is an exhibition board that the faculty members created at the Visitor Center building in the old city of Songkhla to be useful in learning about the old city of Songkhla and promoting the conservation of the old city of Songkhla (which is Tangible Heritage).
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