Reporters : Tachaya Sangkakool, Jaray Suwannachart, Surawat Moogem and Tussawan Thong-On
Indicator : 11.3.1
Date : 2022 – 2023
Related SDGs:

Project characteristics include meetings, training, and seminars for the development of research results, inventions, innovations, and creative works. The project is consistent with the strategic development plan of Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya. This is in line with the strategy for creating cultural heritage based on the concept of sustainable cultural enterprise. According to the goal of conserving and creating value, cultural heritage and the environment through sustainable innovation. The strategy is to create cultural heritage into cultural enterprises. Actions to accelerate the development of spatial cultural enterprises and measures to develop cultural heritage through innovation
The objectives of this project are 1) to create knowledge and understanding of cultural innovation and innovation creation for teachers, students, and cultural enterprise groups. 2) to develop cultural innovation to create value for cultural enterprises, and 3) in order to connect the network of cultural enterprise groups with universities, with a total of 138 people participating in the project. The person responsible for the project is the Office of Innovation Management and Technology Transfer. Project activities include the following details:

Picture 1: Implementation of the workshop projects providing knowledge and guidelines for developing cultural innovations on January 21, 2022
Activity 1: Workshop to provide knowledge on guidelines for developing cultural innovations and registering intellectual property rights and creating cultural innovations in the form of souvenirs. On the value of community wisdom and cultural heritage towards value extension. Guidelines for creating and developing cultural innovation and registering intellectual property, January 22 – 23, 2022 at Red House, Hub Ho Hin. Activity details include listening to a lecture on the history of Songkhla and guidelines for creating cultural innovation. Project participants were divided into small groups and went to the data collection area to create souvenirs with advice from enterprise groups in the old city area of Songkhla, with group teachers giving advice and mentoring in the creation. As a result, there will be a form of cultural innovation in the form of souvenirs in each enterprise group ready to be presented. Including summarizing the results to use the guidelines from the speakers to develop prototypes of cultural innovations. Activity 2: Develop prototypes of cultural innovations in the form of souvenirs. (Between 1 March – 30 April 2022) Budget 95000 baht. Activity details include:
Picture 2: The creation of innovations in the type of souvenirs are following:

Creating and producing innovative souvenirs to be used as pilot samples. and trial use of souvenirs with enterprise groups The result of this project is to create knowledge and understanding of cultural innovation and innovation creation for the community, students, teachers, and cultural enterprise groups. Developing cultural innovation towards creating value for cultural enterprises for the city and connecting networks of cultural enterprise groups with universities. which is the result of the project implementation Project participants presented souvenir designs to enterprise groups to receive suggestions and improve them. Then, when activity 1 is completed, the person responsible for the work Each group attended a meeting to summarize the number of souvenirs through an online Zoom meeting on January 27, 2022. A total of 20 souvenirs were obtained. After that, only some works would be selected to be developed as prototypes in the second activity to Use it as an example for enterprise groups to put into production and use in the next order. The result can be the creation of innovations in the type of souvenirs.