Reporters: Tachaya Sangkakool, Jaray Suwannachart, Surawat Moogem and Tussawan Thong-On
Indicator : 11.3.2
Date: 20-21 April 2022
This project is organized in fiscal year 2023 and features meetings, training, and seminars. It is considered a project consistent with the strategic development plan of Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya. City development that responds to the strategy of creating outstanding expertise in technology and innovation leading to a society of opportunity and educational equality. There is integration that leads to the creation of research and innovation to increase the competitiveness of the business and industrial sectors. which is consistent with the goals of research, academic services and creative culture based on BCGModel.
Strategy to drive creative culture with cultural capital and local wisdom based on the BCG Model, which is in line with measures leading to the development of creative culture to increase economic value. According to the plan to promote knowledge management. Cultural capital and local wisdom by gathering knowledge. Sources of cultural capital and local wisdom, creating value to added value on the basis of cultural capital and local wisdom, raising the level of culture and local wisdom to a creative culture.
The objectives of the project are as follows:
1) To enable those responsible for the preservation of arts and culture in all departments to write project proposals to develop cultural capital towards creative cultural work or innovation. To raise the value and value of space, consisting of Songkhla Province, Trang Province, and Nakhon Si Thammarat Province, responding to the needs and participation of local communities.
2) To exchange experiences and brainstorm among those responsible for the preservation of arts and culture. Provincial culture Community residents and other stakeholders effectively
3) to promote and create opportunities for those responsible for the preservation of arts and culture to prepare project proposals for requesting budgets from external funding sources
There are a total of 62 project participants and those responsible for the project. Under the Office of Innovation Management and Technology with a budget of 100,000 baht.
Such activities are under the responsibility of the Office of Innovation Management and Technology Transfer. Coordinate with target provinces to request visits to meet provincial culture, provincial tourism and sports, and develop provincial communities. To discuss the implementation of the project to develop questions about creative culture and innovation. To promote local groups, enterprise groups, entrepreneurs, business and industrial sectors in the target areas by coordinating with the arts and culture preservation unit to all departments within the university. Provincial culture in all 3 areas (Songkhla, Trang and Nakhon Si Thammarat), provincial tourism and sports. including industry and various sectors Related in the target province area. Project implementation details Divide the operation into 2 days, details and pictures as follows:

Picture1: the project implementation on April 20, 2023

Pictures 2: the project implementation on April 20, 2023
Day 1: In the morning, listen to a lecture on cost, value, integration of local cultural heritage and cultural heritage management and approaches to creating cultural innovations in the afternoon. Listen to policies and strategies for development from the owners of the capital sources, including provincial culture. Provincial tourism and sports and develop provincial communities. To be aware of issues in the development of creative culture, innovation, or inventions of each agency, then project participants prepare draft project proposals.
Day 2: Project participants prepare draft project proposals and present and listen to suggestions from relevant agencies. To improve the content of the project proposal to be appropriate and complete, along with summarizing the overall project in all 3 areas, in order to prepare for submission to relevant agencies for budget consideration from the province in June next.
Benefits from the project include:
1. Project participants have the opportunity to exchange experiences and information on integrating science in developing project proposals.
2. Project participants receive guidelines and methods for writing project proposals to develop and create cultural innovations for local communities in the target provinces.
3. The university has knowledge that is only available to people in the community, locality, and region.
4. There is an opportunity for university personnel to publicize their own work. and meet more sources of capital.