Reporters : Tachaya Sangkakool, Jaray Suwannachart, Surawat Moogem and Tussawan Thong-On
Indicator : 11.4.6
Date : 2022 – 2023
The university has prepared covered walkways (Cover Way), walkway and footpath on every campus. Students have walking access to various areas. The university, such as traveling from the front gate of the university to the academic buildings and various service buildings conveniently and safely. Pedestrian walkway within the university Songkhla Campus that connects from the university entrance to various buildings within the area

Picture 1 shows a covered pedestrian walkway. resting walkway and footpath In the area of Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya
Source: Real photo taken on September 11, 2022 by Asst. Prof. Surawat Muken.
Walking route design takes into account important principles of accessibility by analyzing the local context and weather conditions, such as Rajamangala University of Technology, Songkhla Campus. A covered sidewalk has been built as the main distance for foot traffic. This is because the Songkhla area has weather conditions that regularly rain and have strong winds. Including the hot sun due to the heat from the sea. To facilitate sun protection and rain protection for actual users. The walking path can reach the entrance-exit area. of the university

Picture 2 shows a covered pedestrian walkway (Cover Way) in the area of Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya.
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As for the recreational walking path, it has been designed with consideration to be a second walking area. With a set of tables and chairs There is a pavilion where you can sit and relax along the walking route. There are large trees providing shade and a path that is not covered by a roof. They are mostly allowed to sit and relax during the day while the weather is nice.

Picture 3 shows the walkway in the area of Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya.
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As for the footpath, it has been designed to provide safety for movement between pedestrians and car lanes. It is designed so that the footpath is not less than 20 centimeters in height and allows walking access to various areas of the classroom building and others on campus.

Picture 4 shows the footpath in the Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya area.
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