Reporters : Mr.Sumpudeng Meena,Mr.Natthawut Thongson
Indicator : 5.6.1
Date : Throughout year 2022
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The university has been actively promoting gender equality and preventing gender discrimination, as outlined in the Gender Equality Act of 2015. It has issued announcements and made public commitments to uphold these principles. This ensures that there is no discrimination between genders and that all individuals are treated fairly and equally.
In summary, Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya’s efforts to promote gender equality and prevent gender discrimination are important for creating a welcoming and fair environment for all individuals. These initiatives reflect the university’s commitment to providing equal opportunities and protections regardless of gender identity, fostering a more inclusive and respectful campus culture.
Moreover, at RUTS The management team comprises women holding key positions, such as 1 Vice President 1 Assistant to President and 2 Deans, across various faculties. This highlights the organization’s commitment to promoting gender diversity and providing equal opportunities for women to contribute to leadership and decision-making roles within the institution. Having women in these positions reflects a more inclusive and diverse approach to organizational leadership, fostering a balanced and representative perspective in the management of the institution.

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