Reporters: Asst.Prof.Dr.Arrisa Sopajarn, Asst.Prof.Chaiya Thanaphatsiri, Asst.Prof.Supitchaya Boonkuer
Evidence Date: September 2022
Related SDGs:

Related Indicator: Indicator 16.3.2
Details (English):
The university has implemented the RUTS MOOC system, which is an online learning format open to the general public for free. It offers a diverse range of learning content across various fields, such as business administration, general education, innovation and communication technology, engineering and technology, architecture, and many other disciplines. Learners can access the content and instructional videos online through the website
Students can study on RUTS MOOC at their convenience and within a flexible learning system that can be tailored to individual needs. The MOOC includes testing and exercises to monitor progress in learning. There are certificates of expertise available in the chosen field to aid in career development and enhance expertise in various areas that require staying up-to-date and adapting to lifelong changes.

On September 20-21, 2565, RUTS organized a practical training program for community tourism leaders under the project “Human Resource Development for Coastal Tourism Industry” (Coastal Tourism). This program aimed to enhance people’s skills using technology and innovation to support the emerging Coastal Tourism industry. This project focused on developing and improving skills, including reskilling, upskilling, and acquiring new skills, to manage Coastal Tourism using innovation and technology, both in an online and onsite, specifically pertained to onsite practical training in English.

Information Source: สำนักงานสภามหาวิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีราชมงคลศรีวิชัย