Reporters : Mr.Tanakorn Inthasuth
Indicator : 13.3.4
Date : 14 Jan 2022
The latest PM2.5 air quality update for Songkhla Municipality as of January 14, 2022, at 9:00 a.m.
Current Air Quality: The air quality (PM2.5) in Songkhla Municipality at this moment is classified as “Very Good.” This means that the air you are breathing is of exceptional quality, with PM2.5 levels well within the recommended safety standards.
Daily Average: We are delighted to report that the daily average air quality from yesterday until today also falls within the “Very Good” air quality criteria. This consistency in air quality reflects our ongoing efforts to maintain a healthy environment for our community.
Benefits of Very Good Air Quality:
Improved respiratory health for all residents.
Reduced health risks associated with air pollution.
Enhanced quality of life, allowing outdoor activities without concerns about air quality.
Positive impact on the environment, including plants and wildlife.
While we are currently enjoying very good air quality, it is essential to continue monitoring air quality regularly, especially during weather fluctuations. We encourage all residents to stay informed and practice good air quality habits.

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