Reporters :
Asst.Prof. Saowanee Chaipech
Dr. kittichon Utaynapun
Mr. Ugrit Chammari
Evidence Date: Jan-Dec 2022
Indicator : 12.2.5
Related SDGs:

RUTS: Nakhon Si Thammarat campus (Thung Yai)
For Buddhism, one way of making merit is the giving of food to monks owing to its significant aspects in sustaining Buddhism Besides this, those who properly follow would expect to get the good benefit because such an action would bring the wholesome mind to them. Both of Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya (RUTs) and the Governor of Nakhon Si Thammarat Province have guidelines for reducing plastic. All departments of RUTs have joined to refrain from using plastic bags in many situations such as royal ceremonies, merit making ceremonies, meetings and other activities. So we can reduce plastic waste in our university.

From policy to university personnel
Buddhist chanting ceremony
RUTS: Nakhon Si Thammarat campus (Sai Yai) and Songkhla main campus
Both the RUTs and the beverage company (Cafe’ Amazon) have the same policy to reduce plastic by bringing your own glass instead plastic glass. Therefore, it will reduce costs and plastic waste.
Evident 3: reduce plastic in event and meeting RUTS is dedicated to reducing the use of plastic in all forms, particularly single-use plastic packaging, by implementing policies that encourage staff working with external organizations to minimize plastic usage. For example, in the project that related with local enterprises, RUTS’s staff actively engage in reducing plastic usage and encourage relevant units to participate in this effort as well.

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