Reporters : Mrs.Jutamat Chanchoei, Miss Natthakarn Chansribut, Mr.Sampudeng Meena
Indicator : 3.3.1
Date : 16 September 2022
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Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya collaborates with various health organizations to promote public health and enhance the quality of life for students and university staff. An agreement was signed on September 16, 2022, for the “Quality Mental Health Care Network for Thais” project between Rajamangala University of Technology and the Department of Mental Health, Ministry of Public Health. The aim of this project is to provide high-quality mental health care to students and staff.

The university also partners with the National Blood Center in Songkhla, covering the lower southern region, including the provinces of Songkhla, Pattani, Satun, Trang, Pattalung, Yala, and Narathiwat. This partnership involves regular blood donations to ensure an adequate supply for hospitals in the region.

university has signed a memorandum of understanding to support the Tobacco-Free Thailand initiative with the Ministry of Public Health and affiliated national networks for a smoke-free society on July 5, 2022. These collaborations are examples of the university’s commitment to public health and its efforts to contribute to the well-being of the Thai society.

In summary, this collaboration between Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya and the Department of Mental Health is a significant and caring initiative that prioritizes mental health and the well-being of its university community. It recognizes the importance of addressing mental health issues and providing the support and care that individuals need to lead fulfilling lives.
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