Reporters : Mr.Natthawut Thongson, Mr.Sumpudeng Meena
Indicator : 5.3.4
Date : 7 September 2022
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The academic orientation sessions conducted by Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya in collaboration with academic faculties and academic advising services serve as an important step in helping undergraduate students transition into their academic journey. Here are more details about these orientation sessions:
- Introduction to Academic Faculties: The orientation sessions are designed to introduce students to the various academic faculties within the university. This introduction typically includes information about the faculties’ missions, academic programs, faculty members, and the various courses they offer. It helps students understand the academic landscape and the diverse study options available to them.
- Inspiration and Motivation: These sessions often include elements of inspiration and motivation to energize and engage students. Inspiring talks, success stories from faculty members or alumni, and discussions about the potential career paths associated with different academic programs can motivate students to excel in their studies and pursue their academic goals.
- Online Delivery via Zoom Cloud Meeting: Conducting these orientations via the Zoom Cloud Meeting platform provides flexibility and accessibility for students. They can join the sessions remotely, eliminating the need for physical presence on campus and accommodating various schedules and circumstances.
In summary, the academic orientation sessions conducted by Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya play a vital role in helping undergraduate students transition into their studies. By offering information, motivation, and opportunities for female students, and delivering these sessions online, the university provides a strong foundation for students to embark on their academic journeys with confidence and purpose.

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