Reporters : Asst.Prof.Dr.Arrisa Sopajarn, Asst.Prof.Chaiya Thanaphatsiri, Asst.Prof.Supitchaya Boonkuer
Indicator : 16.2.5
Date: 23 December 2022
Related SDGs:

On Friday, December 23, 2022, at the multipurpose building auditorium, Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya (RUTS), with Professor Dr. Suwat Tanyaros, the President of RUTS, presiding over the event, on the topic of ‘The Directions for Building the Power of Development of RUTS, Together, on the Foundation of Good Governance’.
The President and representatives of the academic and support staff jointly discussed the importance of adhering to ethical principles, maintaining moral standards, and transparency. They also emphasized the commitment to anti-corruption measures, demonstrating a strong stance against any form of unethical behavior. Furthermore, they pledged to promote values, ethics, and integrity in carrying out their duties, with the aim of collectively fostering a culture of integrity within the organization.

The Quality Assurance Office of Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya has reported on the plan for preventing and combating corruption at Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya for the fiscal year 2022. and The university has appointed a committee to oversee and conduct assessments of ethics and transparency in the operations of public sector agencies.
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