Reporters : Mrs. Russamon Yuraphan, Miss Nuntouchaporn Prateepausanont, Mr. Noppadon Chooset, Miss Waraporn Laohasamphantaporn
Indicator : 10.6.10
Date : January – December, 2022
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Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya realizes the importance for creating and publicizing a scholarship program for disabled and financially disadvantaged students is a noble and impactful endeavor. Such scholarships can open up opportunities for individuals who may face significant barriers to accessing the education.
Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya has provided scholarships as well as publicizing the news of granting scholarships from various sources to students in each category, including disabled students and students lacking funds, with the details of the scholarships as follows.
- The Alumni Association of Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya is offering scholarships to students who are committed to their studies but lack of funds, which has an impact on their education. These scholarships aim to provide ongoing support to students by assisting with their registration fees throughout their academic period.

- Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya has a policy to assist students who have been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and have demonstrated good behavior but lack of funds for their education. Moreover, the university’s objective is to promote education and extend a helping hand to students who have been impacted by the widespread transmission of the COVID-19 virus. The university offers scholarships of 5,000 Baht each to support the education of the students with a total of 1,060 students have been selected to receive these scholarships.

- The Scholarship from the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation regarding the application for financial assistance for disabled students in the first semester of the academic year 2022. The Department of Student Development has asked for cooperation from various faculties and departments within Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya to disseminate this information to all disabled students.

- The publicizing of the scholarship of Krungthai Electricity Company Limited, accepting applications for new scholarship students who lack of funds at the vocational and undergraduate level, with 100 free, no-obligation scholarships.

- The publicizing of Ayinomato Foundation, which is granting scholarships to first-year students enrolled in vocational (Diploma), undergraduate, and graduate programs. These scholarships are accessible to students from government educational institutions across the country who have shown commendable academic achievements, exemplary conduct, limited of funds, and a strong desire to pursue their education. The scholarships will be awarded for the entire duration of their studies at their respective academic levels.

- The publicizing of Isuzu Group Foundation, which offers scholarships to students of Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya who lack of funds and are pursuing engineering education. There are 2 scholarships with 15,000 baht each.

- The publicizing of the scholarship program provided by the Princess Marsi Sukhumbhand Paribatra Foundation. The main objective of these scholarships is to assist students in various art disciplines who have demonstrated exceptional academic performance and remarkable accomplishments but lack of funds. There are a total of 20 scholarships available, with each scholarship valued at 20,000 Baht.

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