Reporters : Assoc. Prof. Chutinut Sujarit,Asst. Prof. Somboon Prasongchan,Asst. Prof. Nutworadee Kanittinsuttitong,Prof. Natta Kachenpukdee
Indicator : 1.3.1
Date : September 14, 2022
Related SDGs:

The RUTS Scholarship program, which aims to create career opportunities, is aligned with the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 1.3.1 and broader sustainable development objectives. Let’s break down the connection:
The RUTS Scholarship program contributes to this goal in the following ways: Reducing Financial Barriers: Many individuals, especially those from low-income backgrounds, face financial barriers to accessing education and skill development. Scholarships alleviate these barriers by covering tuition fees and have income while studying.
Empowerment: Education and training empower individuals to acquire skills and knowledge that are relevant to the job market. The RUTS Scholarship program equips recipients with the tools they need to access better job opportunities and improve their income levels.
Reducing Inequalities: Scholarships aim to reduce inequalities in education and employment. By targeting vulnerable and marginalized groups, the program contributes to reducing disparities in income and opportunities.
Sustainable Career Growth: Career opportunities created through scholarships can lead to sustainable income and career growth. As individuals access better job prospects, they are less likely to fall into poverty or remain in vulnerable situations, please click on the link below.

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