Reporters : Mrs.Khanitta Putjan, Mr.Rachen Arkarod
Indicator : 8.2.4
Date : January-September 2022
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Hiring students to work collaboratively with various sub-districts involves engaging students in partnership with different local administrative areas or sub-districts to contribute to community development, research, or other projects. Here are some additional details on this initiative students from educational institutions, such as universities or colleges, are recruited or volunteered to participate in these collaborative projects. Students gain hands-on experience and practical skills relevant to their field of study while contributing to the betterment of local communities. This initiative often involves collaboration between educational institutions and local government or community organizations.
These collaborations can be mutually beneficial, as students gain practical experience, sub-districts receive valuable assistance, and educational institutions strengthen their ties with local communities. Such initiatives are common in educational institutions and can have a positive impact on both the students and the communities they serve.
As mention above, RUTS has provided students with a foundation to live their lives in a sustainable manner for U2T participants to reach employment. Also, the impact of the employment has increase their revenues and communities.

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