Reporters : Mrs. Russamon Yuraphan, Miss Nuntouchaporn Prateepausanont, Mr. Noppadon Chooset, Miss Waraporn Laohasamphantaporn
Indicator : 10.6.8
Date : December 21, 2022
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Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya is a university of opportunity for the development of a prosperous country. Currently, society is faced with inequality and inequity in this issue, according to the second 5-year strategic plan of the university, which has been implemented to reduce inequality.
As the university places importance on the issue of inequality and inequity, the university has guidelines to take part in reducing inequality in society.
By the Faculty of Business Administration, led by Russamon Yuraphan, a lecturer in the Digital Business Information Systems Department, who teaches and supports advising in project subjects, with students creating projects on “Teaching Materials for Using the Prezi Program for Deaf People”.
The goal is to enable people with hearing impairments to learn the tools and methods of using the Prezi program which is a program for creating presentation media. The students can use this to further studies or present work in various subjects. This project has been tested for use with 30 students at the Songkhla School for the Deaf and has been handed over for further use by the Songkhla School for the Deaf.

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