Reporters: Dr. Wichulada Thavaroj, Ms. Panyaras Luekhajon, Mrs. Rungtip Wuttanaworakit, Asst. Prof. Noppadon Podkumnerd, Asst. Prof. Jasada Romyen ,Mr. Jessada Montralak
Evidence Date: during 2023 Nov 13
Related SDGs:

Related Indicators: 2.5.3
The research team from Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya has undertaken activities under the research project plan focused on the application and extension of appropriate technology to enhance capabilities and social opportunities for target communities in strategic research areas. Recently, they conducted an event to demonstrate and deliver solar-powered drying cabinets designed for drying Bambarra Groundnut. The technology was handed over by Mrs. Waraporn Chaiyaku, the Agricultural Officer of Ranod District, to the community enterprise group of bambarra groundnut in Ban Pa Pong, Tambon Takhom, Takhom District, Phatthalung Province. This technology will be used to dry small-sized bambarra groundnut that have been sorted for seed production, thus reducing costs. The larger, sorted seeds, which were processed using sorting equipment developed by the research team, will be sold at Tesco Lotus, averaging about 500 kilograms per day. This community enterprise will serve as a hub for demonstrating various appropriate technologies, allowing other farmers to learn and implement these innovations to increase their incomes and improve their family’s livelihoods.

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