Reporters: Asst.Prof.Dr. Prapot Maliwan
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Pornsil Seephueak
Asst.Prof.Dr. Nion Chirapongsathonkul
Asst.Prof.Dr. Worawitoo Meesook
Evidence Date: during 2023 Jan-Dec
Related SDGs:

Related Indicators: 15.3.2
Thung Song City is home to numerous limestone hills scattered throughout the urban landscape, forming a distinctive habitat that supports a variety of specialized life forms. These hills create a challenging environment where plants and animals must adapt to survive on rugged terrain with limited soil and water. One common plant adaptation is the development of buttress roots, which help anchor the plants since they cannot penetrate deep into the rocky substrate. These roots provide stability, allowing the plants to stand tall despite the harsh conditions. The animals found in these limestone habitats are often highly skilled at dwelling in crevices or on steep rock faces. From insects to reptiles, the fauna in these hills have evolved unique traits to thrive in such a precarious environment. Life in limestone hills is thus exceptional and diverse, showcasing remarkable examples of ecological adaptation.

A recent survey conducted by a biology teacher from Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya, in collaboration with the Thung Song Municipality, focused on exploring the terrestrial fauna in these limestone hills. The survey, which included Dr. Jumnean Worraratchaiyapan, a Co-founder of the Thailand Environment Institute and Senior Advisor to the IUCN Red List, examined the biodiversity of Khao Jam, a prominent limestone hill in the area. During the survey, they discovered a Beautiful Pit Viper (Trimeresurus venustus), a snake species listed as vulnerable on the IUCN Red List. This discovery highlights the ecological significance of these limestone hills, which serve as critical refuges for species at risk of extinction. Such findings underscore the importance of conservation efforts to protect these unique habitats and their inhabitants.

As a result of the survey, Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya and Thung Song Municipality are collaborating to develop sustainable biodiversity management strategies. This partnership aims to balance the needs of local development with the preservation of natural ecosystems. The plan involves ensuring that areas like Khao Jam remain protected while allowing for responsible use that benefits both the environment and the community. This includes promoting ecotourism, educational programs, and habitat restoration efforts to conserve species such as the Beautiful Pit Viper and other vulnerable organisms. Through careful planning and community engagement, they hope to maintain the ecological integrity of Thung Song’s limestone hills for future generations.

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