Reporters: Dr. Jaray Suwannachart, Asst.Prof.Dr. Tachaya Sangkakool, Asst.Prof.Surawat Mukem and Tussawan Thong-on
Evidence Date: January 21-23, 2023
Related Indicators: 11.2.2
The university provides opportunity for students, lecturer, staff and general public to acesses the university material for Teaching and Learning. Then RUTS supporting librarians and staff at counter on-site in working time And providing on line contact both website and interactive pass through as Line and Facebook system for remote Teaching and
Learning. Also,RUTS being member research for online book for lecturer and who register user

Picture RUTS Website, Line contact and Facebook for Teaching and Learning.

Picture2 Show application for students, lecturer and public acess to Digital libraries.
Related Links:
Line: LibraryRMUTSV, Id: @uyb2987y