Reporters: Asst.Prof.Dr.Arrisa Sopajarn, Asst.Prof.Chaiya Thanaphatsiri, Asst.Prof.Supitchaya Boonkuer, Naruemon Saengduangkhae, Piriya Soikaew
Evidence Date: September 9, 2023
Related SDGs:

Related Indicators: 16.2.4
Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya held an exhibition summarizing the outcomes of the area-based development project, which exceeded its targets. On Wednesday, August 9, 2023, the Faculty of Industrial Education and Technology at Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya organized the project aimed at developing the potential of local entrepreneurs in the Southern border areas. The project fosters innovative business development under the BCG (Bio-Circular-Green) economy model to enhance sustainable grassroots economic value and support the growth of model cities. Assistant Professor Udorn Namsen, Vice President of the university, welcomed attendees and inaugurated the activity, presenting a summary of the project’s results and organizing an exhibition. The event was honored by a special lecture from Captain Chakrapong Apimaha-Dhamma, Director of the Civilian Development Promotion and Support Division, Southern Border Provinces Administrative Center (SBPAC). He spoke on “Area-Based Development and Sustainable Economic Growth at the Grassroots Level.” A panel discussion followed, focusing on transforming Southern border entrepreneurs into innovative business entrepreneurs aligned with BCG economic strategies and sustainable development goals (SDGs). The event took place on the first floor of the Academic and Operations Building at the Faculty of Industrial Education and Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya.
The university received funding from the SBPAC to support the potential development of entrepreneurs, small and medium-sized businesses, and community enterprises in Chana, Thepha, Nathawi, and Saba Yoi districts. The aim is to enhance knowledge and develop skills (RUN-Skill) among community entrepreneurs, small and medium-sized businesses, the unemployed, and those in poverty in the Southern border region. This initiative promotes the adoption of innovative business practices, covering production and processing within the BCG economy framework. The project supports the development and expansion of advanced industrial cities of the future, enhancing economic opportunities from the grassroots level, which connects to broader economic growth in the province, regional clusters, and sub-regional levels. It establishes a BCG business model with innovations that add value to products/services, creating opportunities, distributing income, and bringing prosperity to local communities. Furthermore, it fosters workforce quality to meet future urban expansion needs.
This project, focusing on advancing Southern border area entrepreneurs into innovative business models, embraces the BCG economy for sustainable grassroots economic value and supports the growth of model cities. The project’s concept, “Develop People, Develop Entrepreneurs, Develop Technology and Innovation,” targets 3 districts and 12 subdistricts in Songkhla Province: 1) Chana District, covering Banna, Natap, Talinchan, and Sakom subdistricts; 2) Thepha District, covering Pakbang, Thamuang, and Lamphrai subdistricts; and 3) Saba Yoi District, covering Pian, Bannod, Jahan, Thung Pho, and Tharnkiri subdistricts. Over 100 stores from local entrepreneurs participated in activities and displayed their products at the Faculty of Industrial Education and Technology, Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya, Songkhla.
An opportunity was provided for teachers, staff, researchers, and entrepreneurs in the southern region to participate in this program state-owned organization, were in attendance, including:
1. Captain Chakrapong Apimaha-Dhamma (Director of the Civilian Development Promotion and Support Division, Southern Border Provinces Administrative Center (SBPAC))
2. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Atsawin Phromsopa, (Deputy Director of Songkhla Community College)

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