Reporters: Mrs.Daowadol Sawatdilanon, Mrs.Khanitta Putjan, Mr.Pakorn Chatphan
Evidence Date: Jan-Dec 2023
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Indicators 8.2.2

Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya provides opportunities for foreign nationals of all genders to work at the university. The university adheres to non-discriminatory hiring practices, not considering factors such as religion, gender, age, or other demographic characteristics. The process for hiring foreign workers follows the university’s regulations, particularly the guidelines and procedures established for employing foreign staff with regular income, as outlined in the 2016 regulations.
Currently, there is one foreign female employee working at the university. The hiring of foreign labor must comply with specific criteria and regulations to ensure that these workers meet the university’s legal requirements and needs. Foreign employees can contribute to the diversity of the workforce and bring valuable expertise to various fields within the university.
To ensure equal access to information, the university widely announces job openings through various internal and external channels, allowing all interested individuals to apply.
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