Reporters: Mrs. Russamon Yuraphan, Miss Nuntouchaporn Prateepausanont, Mr. Noppadon Chooset, Miss Waraporn Laohasamphantaporn
Evidence Date: January 2023 – December 2023
Related SDGs:

Related Indicators: 10.6.5
Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya has a policy to promote education for students with disabilities to receive educational rights equal to the general public and to support education for students with disabilities in accordance with the law on education for persons with disabilities.
There is an order appointing a committee to manage the promotion and support of education for students with disabilities in order to carry out operations related to the promotion and support of education for students with disabilities smoothly, with the authority and duties as follows:
1. Establish policies and guidelines to promote education for students with disabilities.
2. Provide joint consultation in order to promote education for students with disabilities effectively.
3. Appoint a subcommittee or working group to carry out any actions within the authority of the committee.

The examples of the promotion and support of education for students with disabilities as follows:
The Publicizing Educational Grants for Students with Disabilities: for the First Semester of Academic Year 202 by the Student Development Division kindly requests the cooperation of all faculties in disseminating information regarding the application for educational subsidies to students with disabilities across all academic years.

Moreover, Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya (RUTS) participated in the exhibition showcasing innovations in “Audio Descriptions” at the International Day of Persons with Disabilities event in Songkhla province. The event was held on December 3, 2023, at Hatyai Hall (5th floor, Central Festival, Hatyai). The exhibition featured innovations in media accessibility for individuals with disabilities.

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