Dr Lamun Kayurin
Mrs.Suchada Jeensuksang
Mr.Varutcha Chanchampa
Mr.Panuwat Noonkong
Mr.Rachen Arkarod
Evidence date: September 2023
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Indicator relate to: 17.1.1, 17.1.2
In 2023, Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya (RUTS) in Thailand collaborated with Universities Partnership for the goals of sustainable development around research relating to SDG 1 to 17. For example, RUTS in collaboration with Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) in Malaysia jointed research publication in September 2023. Asst. Prof. Dr Wasana Boonsong who is lecturer at the Faculty of Industrial Education and Technology, Asst. Prof. Tanakorn Inthasuth as lecturer in Telecommunication Engineering Programme, Faculty of Engineering at the RUTS and Prof.Dr Che Zalina Binti Zulkifli as a lecturer from the Faculty of Computing and Meta-Technology,UPSI jointed a research publication in the topic of “Proposed Precision Analysis of Water Quality Monitoring Embedded IoT Network”. The research illustrated that the precision analysis of water quality monitoring embedded Internet of Things (IoT) Network whereby the proposed invention is a wireless embed water monitoring system with multi-sensor. The highlight of a measuring instrument is its precision. Moreover, this research demonstrated that its calibration regarding the positive potential of the hydrogen ions (pH). The procedures of precision calibration are related to programming and actual measurement in several tests. The results found that the pH sensor with IoT communication only has a significantly lower erroneous of 0.77%.

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