Reporters: Mr. Sujinda Saehan, Mr. Ekkajak Intarat, Mr. Nitigon Jumniansuk, Mr. Thanet Sangseejun
Evidence Date: 28 February 2023, 10 March 2023
Related SDGs:

Related Indicators: 6.5.5
The Cooperation between Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya (RUTS) and The National Water Resources (NWRO)
Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya (RUTS) collaborate with The National Water Resources (NWRO) under the MoU whcih aims to enhancing education, promoting research, and advancing technology to bring innovation to communities and address water issues to ensure security. Moreover, the MoU also aims to strengthen the capacity of both faculty, staff and students through a network that facilitates academic and experiential knowledge exchange in the field. It is a key opportunity for NWRO and RUTS to jointly enhance the capabilities of faculty or staff in water resource management, especially, in the southern region, to ba able to effectively prevent, address, and mitigate water issues in ways that are appropriate to local contexts.
By recognizing the importance that “water” is a fundamental resource essential to all life and human activities. The government prioritizes sustainable water resource management aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals, supported by the Water Resources Act, B.E. 2561, which encourages integration among relevant agencies for balanced and sustainable water resource management across all dimensions. This approach also emphasizes public participation to maximize the effectiveness and efficiency of water usage.

The collaboration with local leaders to Improve Water Management Efficiency and Fair Distribution in the Sathing Phra Peninsula:
This collaboration challenges on water management in the Sathing Phra Peninsula, which impacted by climate change that reflect to the quality of water. The water management systems and introduced real-time salinity are set by the researcher team from Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya together with local leaders in order to evaluate the quality of water. This monitoring system provides accurate data every two hours which the local farmers can adapt cultivation practices and reduce the risk of saline intrusion to effectively planning freshwater usage.
Meanwhile, the community participates in climate adaptation learning processes through workshops and training sessions which focus on the topic of “Changes in Water Levels and Water Quality, which impact agriculture and “Ensuring Fair Water Distribution and Improving Regional Water Distribution Networks” which are crucial for enhancing water security and building community resilience against climate variability.

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