Reporters: Miss Russamon Yuraphan, Miss Nuntouchaporn Prateepausanont,
Mr. Noppadon Chooset, Miss Waraporn Laohasamphantaporn
Evidence Date: Jan-Dec 2023
Related Indicators: 10.6.7
Accessible facilities Provide accessible facilities for people with disabilities.
Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya has updated its website by adding Accessibility Tools, a set of features designed to assist individuals with physical, auditory, visual, or learning challenges in accessing technology and information more easily. These tools are designed to enhance usability and inclusivity for people with disabilities.
- Screen Readers: Software that reads on-screen content aloud, helping individuals with visual impairments use computers and mobile devices effectively.
- Grayscale: A tool that converts colored images (such as photos or color graphics) into grayscale, which is particularly helpful for individuals with visual impairments and color differentiation challenges, such as color blindness. This adjustment enhances their ability to perceive important differences in information presented in images or documents.
- Light Background: design feature that uses a light-colored background on screens or documents, which reduces text confusion and makes text clearer and easier to read.
These tools are often integrated into operating systems or available as additional applications, enabling everyone to access technology equally.
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